Monday, July 18, 2011


Journey. That's what we're on everyday of our lives. It's crazy how many times we fall away from the straight and narrow. So many times we take "shortcuts" that we believe will get us where were going faster, but they always lead us back here, where we started. I know for certain, I'm always straying away. I want my own path as well as God's. But that just isn't possible if you want to finish the race. Impossible to some people, but just possible for some. :) God makes everything possible, so why don't you join? You'd be amazed to know how much you experience and learn from this adventure, and you only get to live once. SO. Who's coming with me? On your mark, get set. GO.

Crazy Busy! But that's life I guess:)

Whew! This heat wave is crazy.

It's amazing how the weather can go from being hot and sunny to humid and storming. It was just like this not ten minutes ago, and now the sun has peeked out a bit. Amazing.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Alright, lets start out with water themed pictures:)

Alright, lets start off with water themed pictures.

Stepping Out Photography: A New Beginning.

Wonderful. Simply wonderful.

I can't believe I've started this. This is wonderful.

Anyway, to start off, a few people have asked me if I had a photography blog, (which I didn't, obviously.) but I thought that it was a wonderful idea and I decided to tackle it! I've started blogs before, never really getting anywhere... But I hope to make a change of that using this. I might not always have new things up for a couple weeks, but when I do post it will be a nice, long list of pictures. :)

I don't have the best camera, but it suits me for right now and I'm blessed to have it. Once I have a bit more "mullah", I'm planning on purchasing a beautiful, new Canon camera. :) But enough complaining, lets get to it!